Thursday, September 1, 2011

Thinking on Wallace Stevens "The Idead of Order at Key West" by Mike Scheibel

I had one of many questions that troubled me in this poem and it was in the first line of the second stanza. "The sea was not a mask, No more was she." i wasn't sure if this ment that this was not an imaginative world. But the latter on in the poem the line "She was the single artificer of the world in which she sang." suggests that the world she exists in is of her imagination. So the battle between imagination and the external reality that the narrator see's is somewhat unclear throughout the poem. It made me think that it did not matter if the seen was an imagination or reality, it did not matter who the woman was that created this world. It is the narrators imaginative reaction to the woman's voice that was the important theme. And at the very end the last stanza which I will not write out completely because you know it by heart "And of ourselves and our origins, In ghostlier demarcations, keener sounds." It seems that the narrator, who is trying to effect the reader as well, finally finds personal meaning to the sounds that he is hearing and partly images he is seeing to create order to his own imaginative thought. What i got from this poem is that our senses of either the real or imaginative world should be allowed to effect us to the point were we find meaning and order in what we sense. It is for us not to walk through life blind to our surroundings but to investigate and create our own reflection that demarcates the world we live in or present in.

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